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Chapter 10

Book Interaction Chapter 10

As the overwhelm, disappointment, and stress accumulated, it was time for some real help and real solutions, which this chapter expresses. Through the insight and help of a therapist, the author learns and shares the undeniable necessity of personal empowerment, especially for teachers, who are positioned to be in authority. This chapter guides readers to accept self-awareness as the path to personal empowerment. 



  1. For the author, the epiphany came in realizing and accepting that she was disempowered. What does empowerment and disempowerment mean to you? Can you think of examples of empowerment and disempowerment in your teaching life?

  2. Specifically, what or whom causes you to be disempowered vs. empowered?

  3. If you could give another person advice on how to live an empowered teacher life, what advice would you give? 



“Teachers position themselves in a place of authority, but they may not have authority over themselves. They must be empowered in their teaching lives and personal lives.”


“Teachers may choose their fear of ‘what-if’ over their value.” 

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