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Happy Children

Chapter 14

Book Interaction Chapter 14

There exists a most important reminder to our days, which is the helpful guide of our final chapter, Chapter 14, that brings the learning and the introspection together. There is a price we have paid for living a life that wasn’t serving us, and in this chapter, we engage in that concept to consider what in our lives has not been serving us and what we can do to reclaim our joy, confidence, and empowerment, so we live a full life that is wild and precious. Join in this last chapter to consider the elements of gratitude and giving and the power of joy, which are all gifts of empowerment. Teach will undoubtedly teach you about your personal needs. It will be messy. It will be fulfilling. In the end, we find what makes us say, “This is what I signed up for.” 


  1. Have you ever considered your life as precious and wild? What in your life signals that you treat it as wild and precious? How can you reexamine the hours in your school day, so they stay in alignment with your life being wild and precious? 

  2. How are gratitude and giving elements to an empowered life? What can you do in your teacher’s life to show gratitude and to provide giving? Be specific with examples from your day and share these with others. 

  3. We will go through pains in our teaching lives and these pains will make us say, “I didn’t sign up for this.” What in your teacher’s day moves you to declare, “This is what I have signed up for?” Share this with others. 

  4. At the conclusion of this book, what are your lasting thoughts and impressions? If you could add another chapter to this book, in any location, what would the theme and message of that chapter be? 


“The point is to honor the time and protect the hours. That is what our life is built on, and time is really all we have.”

“Gratitude is always there and always ready to meet us where we are.

“This is the whole point—to recognize the price we have paid for the life that wasn’t serving us. To see it and to do something about it.”

“Joy is daring to be different.”

Chapter 14 callout quote
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