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Teacher and Pupil

Chapter 5

Book Interaction Chapter 5

Chapter 5 focuses on technology in the classroom, from cell phones and computer games to AI generators, and builds on the idea that teachers may be positioned to be in charge, but they are not in control. The author shares the disappointing realization that there are “things” in our classroom lives that will devalue the teacher’s value and will devalue what she/he has worked to create in the classroom. In reading this chapter, you will get an up-close-and-personal look at what it’s like for teachers to teach today with electronics being a distraction and how all teachers—despite dealing with electronics or not—can necessitate reclaiming the value they have in themselves and in their classrooms. In the end, we must continually evaluate what we allow in our classrooms and why we allow it. If we no longer want to allow something, then all involved in education need to be willing to reset expectations to reclaim the value of classrooms.



  1. What in your classroom life has devalued your effort, work, and time? Are there ways you can work to reclaim the value you bring to your classroom and workspace? You are—as a reminder—the highest value. 

  2. If you are positioned to manage electronics in the classroom, how have they enhanced and hurt your teaching experience? How have electronics in your classroom made you feel? 

  3. The author shares how she took the conversation about electronics in the classroom and opened it to grade-level colleagues and administrators. Are you able to do something similar to help you reset expectations and regain the value you work to create in your classroom space? 



“Phones and AI are here to stay, sure, but they have made our teaching jobs even more complicated than they were years ago.”


“In the complex world that is teaching, we must evaluate what we want to allow and what we don’t want to allow.”


“Teachers are emotionally fatigued and drained by ‘teaching,’ simply because they aren’t able to do what they want to do: Teach.”


“Teachers are in the middle of the chain. They can’t do their jobs effectively without administrative support and student cooperation.”


“Don’t allow someone else to devalue your value.”

Chapter 5 callout quote
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