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School Bus & Children

Chapter 8

Book Interaction Chapter 8

Using personal story from a shocking and unexpected moment in her teaching career as well as other teachers’ experiences, Diane Manser imparts in this chapter what it feels like for teachers when they experience emotional shocks in their classrooms and what they can do to navigate these tough feelings. Whether an elementary teacher, specials teacher, or content teacher, the pains, even grief, from teaching can affect all of us. Considering the expectations we have for ourselves, our classrooms, and our students can be just one piece to determine how we get through—not out—of the toughest experiences we may face in our classroom life.



  1. Have you ever felt figuratively hit by a bus in your teaching career—possibly from work overload or from a shocking experience? What was the circumstance and how did it make you feel? How did you work through this situation?

  2. In teaching, it’s important we work through troubling circumstances, so we don’t aim to get out or become bitter. How do you suggest teachers work though tough moments to come out on the other side stronger and emotionally strong?

  3. We all have expectations for ourselves and our classrooms? How can expectations be helpful and unhelpful in our lives as teachers? What do you do to manage your expectations appropriately when you have content to cover and standards to uphold?



“Teaching can be more about self-management than it is about content management.”


“Teachers should always be building and nurturing their emotional strength, just as a body builder lifts daily.”


“Teachers can find themselves in the classic social whirlpool syndrome, where students look to the one student to determine how they are allowed to act toward a teacher and in a class.”


“How to meet students where they are and maintain high standards, so we don’t accept mediocrity—or worse—is a fine art in teaching.”​


“If we swing too far to one philosophy, then we are giving an inherent “No” to the polar philosophy. At best, we magnetize ourselves to the middle.”


“Let’s lighten the teacher emotional bag. Maybe even put that bag down. We don’t need to carry that bag.”


“Don’t ever resign yourself to closing, because nothing is worth closing your heart, only to leave anger, disappointment, and resentment inside.”

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