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Chapter 9

Book Interaction Chapter 9

In chapter 9, the author shares how a group of students finally propelled her to realizing she must treat teaching as an emotional profession and understand herself deeply, if she was going to maintain her confidence, joy, and peace of mind in teaching. This chapter journeys readers into a specific example in teaching that happens to far too many teachers and honestly reflects on those crushing thoughts when teachers realize they may not be able to teach X number more years, unless they experience a breakthrough. 


  1. What in your teaching life has offered you a moment of: “Something needs to change, or I am not going to make it X number more years.” What is this “thing,” and how do you work through it or manage it? What can you share with others from your insight?

  2. Have you ever not stopped student misbehaviors for fear of how they will react to you as the teacher or how things could get worse?

  3. How does your administration work to support teachers when there are consistent student misbehaviors? If they do not work to support teachers, is there a way you could be part of changing this conversation and inviting administrators into seeing the misbehaviors that need a team approach and extra layer of support?

  4. When you are bothered by student behaviors or frustrations in your teaching day, what deep part of you, or trigger, do they hit? Why do you think you have this trigger? 


“No person wants to go through their day feeling weak and powerless.”


“I couldn’t rely on someone else to fix this for me. No one else could fix how I was feeling inside. Only I could be the one to do that.”

Chapter 9 callout quote
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