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Modern Office


Book Interaction Introduction

In the introduction, you will read why the author became a teacher and what her hope was in being a teacher nearly two decades ago. You will read who she had in mind while writing this book and how she hopes the book will help all teachers—aspiring, new, and veteran. You will also read that teaching was not what she had thought it would be when she entered the profession, and how she came to learn that it is vital we understand ourselves on a deep level in order to maintain our peace of mind in teaching. 


  1. What or whom has inspired you to become a teacher?

  2. What did it feel like when you were sitting in your final round interview or when you started your first-ever class on your first-ever day of teaching?

  3. If you could sum up your teaching experience in a single word or phrase, what would it be? 


“In the process of figuring out how to teach and what to teach, we neglect to understand and self-examine what it will feel like to teach.”

“Teaching—just like life—is never a finished product.”


“The truth of teaching is that it’s fulfilling and defeating, rewarding and painful.” 

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