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In class

Connect with Diane Manser to have her speak with your teachers or pre-service, aspiring teachers



  • The emotions of teaching and the emotions that affect classroom teachers

  • The importance of intrapersonal understanding to build emotional strength and conscious teaching practices 

  • Specific, achievable strategies that move teachers to emotional resiliency and personal empowerment 

  • The necessity to open a space for validation and shared wisdom

Diane Manser

Recent Speaking Opportunities

Diane had the opportunity to speak to pre-service teachers at Arcadia University in the Philadelphia area in April 2024 about the importance of viewing teaching as an emotional profession and about the necessity to understand ourselves on a deep level before we enter the classroom. This keeps us emotionally strong, empowered, and resilient. 

Arcadia University
Diane Manser speaking at Arcadia University

"Diane was one of the most engaging presentators I have had the pleasure of watching lecture at Arcadia. She not only conducted a professional demeanor with a clear passion for education and an abundance of knowledge, but she fostered a welcoming atmosphere and encouraged others to participate in her discussion. I believe many future educators would benefit from hearing Diane speak on her experiences and points of advice on becoming an educator." 


"Thank you for the amazing connection and insight." 


"The presentation was super interesting and the emotional aspect of teaching is often just focused on the students with teacher well-being often overlooked. This brought teachers to the forefront." 

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