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Books by Diane Manser

I Didn’t Sign Up For This: One Classroom Teacher’s Journey Through Emotional Fatigue to Personal Empowerment


is an honest narrative, filled with real-life teaching stories, pain points, feel good moments, and deep introspective learning that validate any teacher who has questioned themselves and the profession.


You will absolutely find yourself and what it feels like to be a teacher in this book.


The book shares personal experiences journeying through self-doubt and fatigue to emboldened empowerment that will help all teachers as they navigate their own fulfilling and challenging professions that are above anything else ... emotional.

I Didn't Sign Up For This 3D book mockup
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Visit the Interact page! Each of the chapters is broken down and provides readers reflective questions, quotes for consideration, and supplemental resources—all intended to encourage readers to reflect on their own teaching journey and the emotional impacts they may have experienced, as well as their progress toward resiliency and empowerment.

Book praise by Rob Bell, New York Times Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, and Spiritual Teacher


“When I met Diane in the summer of 2023, she was telling a group of us what it’s like to be a teacher—how you start the school year strong in September, but then it’s very easy to find yourself wearing down over the coming weeks and months as a teacher’s interactions with her students can take a devastating emotional toll. 


It was fascinating to hear her describe this phenomenon and how teachers aren’t taught what to do about it. I don’t know what it’s like to be a teacher, but as I looked around the group while Diane was talking, I could see everybody was as compelled as I was by her energy and insight and joy and honesty and fierceness. 


That word FIERCENESS. Is that actually a word? Diane would know.


FIERCENESS is important here because she wasn’t complaining, she was explaining what she had learned about how to deal with these very real emotional challenges and how she wanted every teacher everywhere to discover what she’s learned. Which, of course, is why you’re holding this book in your hands. 


It’s all here—coffee and tornadoes and doormats and AI and several decades of Diane’s wisdom on how to be a teacher in such a way that you find yourself saying ‘THIS IS WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR.’”

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“Not only is Diane Manser a beautiful and brilliant writer, but her gut-honest transparency and raw vulnerability is a freaking gift. By bringing to light the emotional struggles and exhaustion teachers face—and doing it with humor, joy, and love—she’s literally going to change lives. Her words offer comfort and encouragement to disillusioned, burned-out teachers and give them permission to be honest about their challenges and to ask for what they need. She is so unbelievably brave—not because she’s fearless, but because she feels the fear and does hard things (like writing this book) anyway. Chapter after chapter, this book absolutely blew me away. I hope it finds its way into the hands of teachers everywhere.”


—Marla Taviano, author of Whole: Poems on Reclaiming
the Pieces of Ourselves and Creating Something New
well as other poetry masterpieces and amazing books

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